
The London Mall aims to combine the elements of a magazine, shopping centre, showcase and information source through the opportunities open to us on the Web -so do feel free to send us any suggestions as we add more sections, features, writers, competitions...


Interactive things to contribute to and play with...

More bells and whistles than a morris dancing football referee...Arthur's Pub Guide
Use Smogwatch to report polluting vehichles in the UK
Or you could arrange a rendez-vous at Speakers' Corner

Art & Enlightenment

The Mall Gallery is open for view, and open for business...

Today's Weather

Latest Satellite Maps, courtesy of Nottingham University

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About Us

More information about Associated Electronic Communications Limited, publishers of The London Mall.


Pricing information for those wishing to appear in the Mall.

Other Interesting Sites

A daily news review from Anorak

A chance for our readers to suggest (not necessarily) useful sites which they think others may wish to visit.

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